Yorkshire Interactive

Oscar Godson
3 min readOct 16, 2015

When I started Piggybank with my co-founder Adam Bickford we knew closing the deals with banks would take a long time. We were planning for around a year and in that time we’ve signed with a processor and signed and sent all our paperwork to our bank partner. However, our bank partner is now pushing our Piggybank launch to Q1 2016.

Obviously, we’re super bummed. We all had the impression we’d launch in the fall, but hey, the banking industry moves slow. We were also right in the middle of raising money to launch when we got this news. Due to this setback we’ve decided to stop our raise, not take any commitments, and give back the money in our account to our current investors as a sign of good faith. If we took the commitments and kept the money in the bank the investors would be paying for us to sit around and wait since we already have the app ready for integrations.

What’s happening next?

While we wait for the bank approval Adam and I are starting up a web and app contracting and consultancy firm. We’re calling it Yorkshire Interactive. We’ve already helped companies such as EggDrop go from concept, to prototype, to launch, to revenue, to now taking investments from Chroma.fund.

Helping people achieve their dreams of running their own companies is one of Adam and I’s biggest passions. It’s a blast to go from napkin drawings at a lunch or coffee meeting to real products with real revenue and investments. The Piggybank hiatus will let us take advantage of doing this full time for awhile.

What work are you doing exactly?

In short, we’re a web and app development shop. We can handle anything you might have a product or engineering team do. Designs, redesigns, marketing sites, mobile apps, and 3rd party integrations is a short list of just some tasks that would fall into product and engineering.

However, not everyone’s idea is fleshed out enough to just start some designs and writing code. We also offer business consultancy. We can help you work out the details of your idea, co-founder vesting, and even getting in front of investors.

Sounds exciting, how do I get in touch?

We’re taking on projects right now. We’re already talking to a couple people and would love to talk to a lot more! If you want to get in touch you can view our site and fill out the form there at http://yorkshireinteractive.com or email us at info@yorkshireinteractive.com.

You can also follow us on our shiny new Twitter account (@yorkshireinc) and Facebook (facebook.com/yorkshireinteractive)

Are you hiring?

We’re looking for people we can contract with in areas we may not be experts in. Some areas people have already asked us about are: Node.js, Front-end, design, .NET, PHP, native iOS and Android, and Ruby. If you know any of those let’s definitely at least talk :)



Oscar Godson

CTO & Creative Director at @quin___ and co-founder Level Up. Formerly CTO of @vaultinvesting and alumni of @acorns , @simple , @yammer .