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Free development and design time to one amazing company

2 min readDec 1, 2015


Yorkshire Interactive, an app and website development firm I started with my co-founder from Piggybank, has been open for a little over a month. We’re doing better than we ever thought we’d do in our first month. This means that while we’re not rich enough to shop on JamesEdition or anything, we have some time and resources to help one awesome company out and build or redesign a site or app for them for free on Giving Tuesday. No catches, hidden fees, or equity involved. There’s just a cap on total free hours.

If you’re someone who’s thinking about starting a company or has a company that does something awesome for humanity or your local community submit a short application below. It doesn’t have to be a non-profit or B corp. It just has to be a company that wants to help people.

How It’ll work

  1. First, you’ll fill out our form.
  2. Wait a couple weeks for us to review your application
  3. If you’re someone we’re interested in we’ll email you to schedule a phone call or an in-person meeting
  4. We’ll make our choice by the end of the year and schedule a kick off meeting
  5. Sometime early next year we’ll start on your project

The details

OK, so now the details. We’re giving 40hrs of totally free hourly work (branding, design, web and app development, etc) out over the course of 2 months. After that the hours will be billable and on a different contract. Before we start we’ll also get a budget from you on assets. The hours are absolutely free, however, say if you want a professionally done video and we have to buy that we’ll bill you for the cost of that video to us. We aren’t making money off that though, just passing the cost to you.

The form

Here’s the form and we can’t wait to hear from you! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ldrqBvG6-qmwyPy0nxrEyBh5b_ElEGx0CezctGnNl6M/



CTO & Creative Director at @quin___ and co-founder Level Up. Formerly CTO of @vaultinvesting and alumni of @acorns , @simple , @yammer .